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How to Get Rid of Students With Double Agendas – A Better Way of Hiring Tailors

If you own a tailoring company, you know this too well:

You hire some student who has convinced you of their passion and a few months later, they're gone!

That sucks! All that time and money you spent on them has been for nothing!

This makes you reluctant to hire the next person. And if you do, you'll be so hesitant that you give them less attention than they deserve. So what happens? A few months later, they're gone!

Why? Because they didn't 'see' a future with your company and didn't feel taken care of.

How can you fix this?

How can you know if a student is specifically there for your company? And not for the 'basic tailoring knowledge' that you offer? More importantly, how can you commit to each student and make them feel valued without suspecting them of leaving? Fortunately, there is a solution to this:

  1. Use the training videos created by us at International School of Tailoring

  2. Make your own training videos and train your students accordingly

This is what you'll offer:

If they go home and follow all the lessons and learn the basics, you take them on. All they have to do is to come back knocking on your door. You will instantly filter out those who are really there for your vision and your company. Think about it, if they come back after having learned how to make a jacket, they really want to work with you. Or else they wouldn't be there.

There is a famous quote that says:

"If you love something, let it go

If it comes back, it's yours

If it doesn't, it never was"

I believe this to be true. Whichever student comes back will likely stay. At the very least you know that they are not there to just learn the basics and use your company as a stepping stone.

Besides, you train them before they join your company. You won't have to risk your precious time and money whenever you take someone on.

This should also solve the trust issue; If you eliminate the possibility that they use you as a stepping stone to learn the basics, you can give them more benefits and focus on a productive long term relationship.

This to me seems like a better way of hiring tailors.

1 opmerking

Bill GIS
06 apr 2024

Traditional and Pagoda Model is a great Introduction to the world of professional Tailoring. Students will gain enough knowledge and experience to approach a professional environment.

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