Provide the world’s most thorough, science-driven tailoring course in video format.
Our top 3 priorities to achieve our mission:
Bespoke Jacket Alterations Library
Bespoke Pattern App
Voiceover translations of our video series in major world languages, starting with Spanish
Donate today and join us in our mission. We need your help.
Our mission will set a new global standard and empower skilled individuals to build better lives through their craft.
Choose one of the categories below and donate towards it.
Thank you.
Make it free and accessible to everyone worldwide.
Achieve this by 2030.
Funding Wanted
To Build the World’s Largest Video Reference Library for Jacket Alterations
Your ultimate troubleshooting guide for fitting bespoke jackets
• 200+ Alteration Videos
• Pattern Animations
• Before & After Comparisons
• Different Body Types
• Including Ladies Models
• Watch Free on YouTube
We must raise £100,000 by 1 October 2025 to start this project!
Donate Now! The Deadline is On!
Raised (£)
People Have Donated
Watch this snippet from Lesson 34. The videos in The Alteration Library will be an enhanced version of this presentation style. This library will make fittings as easy as finding directions with GPS.
£100,000 =
312 people donating £320
625 people donating £160
1,250 people donating £80
2,500 people donating £40
5,000 people donating £20
10,000 people donating £10
You Are 1 Click Away From Showing Your Support – Thank You
One time
100% of your donation will be used for this project.​
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Bespoke Pattern App
Your Personal pattern in a matter of seconds
Good tailoring begins with the right pattern. We are working hard on developing an application that allows you to have a high quality bespoke pattern at a very low cost.
Fun fact: our current model has the ability of making over 50.000 figuration combos for the perfect fit regardless of your size.
Up to this day, there hasn't been a pattern cutting system that incorporates the figuration of the individual. Together with your support, we can bring an epic change to that!
Traducción al Español
Vídeos ISOT en Español
Puede parecer una tontería. ¿Cómo se puede "cambiar" de repente algo tan complejo como la educación en sastrería? ¿Podrías realmente hacerlo? Probablemente no.
Al menos no por tu cuenta. Pero...
De vez en cuando en la historia de cualquier cosa, las personas adecuadas se encuentran en el momento adecuado y el resto las sigue. Si estás leyendo esto, eres la persona adecuada en el lugar correcto en el momento correcto. Tu pasión hace posibles los sueños. ¿Qué tal si hacemos posible este sueño?
Nuestras lecciones de sastrería a medida en español, disponibles para las personas talentosas de tu país que quizás hoy no sean nadie, podrían ser las que lo enorgullezcan en el futuro ¿Y tú, siendo quien lo hizo posible?
Tu donación financiará el doblaje de todas nuestras lecciones en video y desbloqueará la posibilidad de un futuro brillante para la sastrería en tu país. Toma la decisión hoy.
Or Support Us Monthly Instead
5£Every monthIf you think our lessons are at least worth somethingÂNeighbour
8£Every monthIf our lessons have been helpful from time to timeÂPatron
12£Every monthIf you want to see us change the game of tailoring educationÂ