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Dear fellow tailor,

Mowgli and I must raise
£100,000 by 1 October 2025  to start the "Alterations Video Library" project. We need your support today.

This FREE library will have 200+ videos of individual alterations, indexed by seam. Each video shows a fitting problem, followed by the pattern corrections and final results with side-by-side comparisons.

You will learn to fit in minutes, not days. This will be the most important tailoring project of the century. And you can be part of it by funding it today.

If you ever wanted to change the world, now is your chance. Please join us in making a giant leap in the history of tailoring education.

Thank you,

Reza, Founder of International School of Tailoring

Watch this snippet from Lesson 34. The videos in The Alteration Library will be an enhanced version of this presentation style. This library will make fittings as easy as finding directions with GPS.

So far we have raised £


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Strictly Technical
Bespoke Tailoring Course

Free video lessons – Only pay for materials

"The new standard in professional tailoring education"

  • Learn at your own pace

  • Two models: Beginner and advanced

  • Scientific instructions in simple English

  • In-depth and distilled knowledge

  • Re-watch lessons on demand

  • Free express shipping worldwide

Online Tailoring Course International School of Tailoring


“I've learned more from this one video than from several courses and few expensive books. No unnecessary babbling, editorial floof or pushing useless products or elitist agenda. Distilled knowledge and experience"
Tailoring Wool Canvas Course Material International School of Tailoring Purple Box

Our video lessons range between 10 to 120 minutes and train you to become a rigorous bespoke tailor who can analyse problems and formulate creative solutions.

Theory Explanation of Tailored Body Canvas Construction for Online Coat-Making Course by ISOT
Tailoring Gimp Thread for Buttonholes Course Material International School of Tailoring Pu
Online Tailoring Course International School of Tailoring Shoulder Construction
Tailoring Horse Hair Chest Canvas Course Material International School of Tailoring Purple
Tailoring Viscose Lining Course Material International School of Tailoring Purple Box

Deepen your understanding of fundamental tailoring principles. Our scientific explanations are easy to understand and challenge you with eye-opening exercises.

Online Tailoring Course International School of Tailoring
Online Tailoring Course International School of Tailoring Bespoke Sleeves

Invest in your future skills.
Learn to make a bespoke jacket with our tuition free online coat-making course. 

Tailoring Silk Twist Thread for Buttonholes Course Material International School of Tailor
Tailoring Sleeve Head Roll Wadding With Canvas Course Material International School of Tai
Online Tailoring Course Bespoke Collar Construction International School of Tailoring
Tailoring Cotton Thread for Mark Stitching Course Material International School of Tailori
Online Tailoring Course Bespoke Canvas Construction International School of Tailoring

Examples of what you'll learn with us

  • 3 mistakes to avoid when canvassing a jacket
  • The fundamental principles of sleeves
  • 8 points to look for when basting under-collars
  • How to canvas a women's jacket
  • Why you shouldn't put fullness in the back shoulder
  • How to correctly use a tailor's thimble
  • 16 essential stitches that every bespoke tailor knows
  • And a LOT more...
Tailoring Linen Collar Canvas Course Material International School of Tailoring Purple Box


Choose Your Model
Traditional = Beginner
Pagoda = Improver


Order Purple Box
Your Course Bundle


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and follow your model playlist

Cary Grant Inspiration for Traditional Model Coat-Making Course
Errol Flynn Inspiration for Traditional Model Coat-Making Course
Online Tailoring Course Traditional Model Canvas Padding Stitches International School of

Traditional Model

Classic English

The Traditional Model is an easy-to-make English jacket with a classic 50s Savile Row look. You can consider it an amalgamation of Kilgour, French and Stanbury, Huntsman, and Anderson & Sheppard cuts from that time.

Its classic and simple construction make it the ideal choice for beginners. If you're new to tailoring, choose this model. You will learn fundamental techniques and principles without feeling overwhelmed by the complexity of each step.

International School of Tailoring Tailoring Course Traditional and Pagoda Model
International School of Tailoring Tailor

The styles of Cary Grant, Errol Flynn and James Steward inspired our Traditional Model; you will see similarities between shoulder lines, sleeve rolls, chest and lapel shapes.

Tailoring Cotton Silesia Course Material International School of Tailoring Purple Box
Online Tailoring Course Pagoda Model Canvas Padding Stitches International School of Tailo
Online Tailoring Course Pagoda Model Shoulder Pad Study International School of Tailoring
Reza Wearing Dugdales Bros Cavalry Twill Blue Jacket with Pagoda Shoulders

Pagoda Model

Tailoring Wool and Cotton Wadding for Pagoda Shoulder Pad Course Material International Sc
International School of Tailoring Tailor
International School of Tailoring Tailoring Course Traditional and Pagoda Model

Our Pagoda Model is heavily inspired by the works of American painter Joseph Leyendecker. The suits in his work look crisp and sculpted. The transition between the neck and shoulders in his paintings are perfect.

Reza spent thousands of hours during his apprenticeship on Savile Row to design a pad and canvas construction that resulted in jackets that looked like those in Leyendecker's paintings. The top middle photo is one of Reza's study sketches on how the wadding should be layered to maintain a concave shape.

Audaciously Bold

The Pagoda Model is highly stylised. Concave shoulders and 'roped' sleeves make it look like a sculpture; carved and defined. It's a challenging model. Construction involves multiple layers of horse hair and canvas. The shoulder pads are made of 6 layers, include cross-darts and require careful ironwork.

It's often perceived as a jacket with heavy padding. This is not true. The concave shoulders are a result of darts, iron work and layering in the right areas. This creates harmony between layers and is crucial for correct results.


This model is designed to challenge you and raise your skills to the next level. Ideal for individuals who have completed the Traditional Model or possess some tailoring experience.

Atlas Professional Tailor's Thimble in Sterling Silver


Made in England

The Thimble for Professional Tailors

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International School of Tailoring Reza and Mowgli
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